RIP Ming Of Harlem

A week ago I was having a random conversation about Tigers, when I remembered that time long ago in Harlem NY that a guy actually housed a full grown Bengal Tiger and Alligator.

I was young back then (2003), so naturally it was crazy for a few days, then it was back to Halo Multiplayer online. However, the person I was talking to had never heard the story, causing me to take a 30 minute deep dive into the story of Antoine Yates and his pet tiger Ming.  Ironically that same week Ming had passed away at the Sanctuary she'd been living at since leaving Harlem World.

The media painted him crazy, and while he might have been a bit nuts.  It was almost....Beautifully Irresponsible, especially since he was the only human who got hurt. *Not a silver lining or anything*

So in the memory of Ming, I tracked down the documentary.  Check it out below. *W/ Antivirus*

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