Thanks for visiting our site! We genuinely appreciate every single second your eyes spend viewing our content, simply because we put it there solely for your entertainment.  Our founder and staff alike are all avid advocates of the crop known as Marijuana, and consider ourselves connoisseurs.  It is our primary purpose to change the public’s perspective on the plant from that of a Schedule 1 Drug to an Ancient Medicine with multiple benefits in both its psychoactive and non psychoactive states.

We aim to provide both the daily and periodic smoker with suitable content that would only compliment and enhance your high or mood in general. When we aren’t glorifying the plant in all its glory,  we are  sharing and curating content in the areas of Art, Health, DIY culture, Comedy, Legalization/Decriminalization, and few drops of Living Off The Grid.

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We are anti propaganda, and generally stay away from mainstream news outlets, as we’re always digging for the “Real” stories. So feel free to come back, tell your friends about us, follow our social media channels, and never hesitate to share your thoughts or feelings with us, because again, we’re here for you!


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