Two Men With Jetpacks Fly Over Dubai

His boy Elroy……Jane, his wife.

Yes, that’s a snippet from the Jetsons theme song.  Why you ask?  Well because, this is some serious futuristically present sh*t.  Several 80’s-90’s Sci-Fi flicks refer to the their hyper robotic future’s as 2015-2025, making this creation ‘right on time!’

Yves Rossy and Vince Reffet, the two innovators behind the Jetman Dubai jetpack athlete team, decided to would be better to show than explain their work.  Rossy, is a leading innovator in the field of propelled human flight, and with the help of his protege has managed to bring mankind closer than we’ve ever been to the age of Ironman.

Although they need the assistance of another aircraft to take flight, the jetpacks can gain altitude and sustain flight for anywhere from 6 to 13 minutes at speeds between 180 and 300 km/h.  Before long, humans will join the birds in the rituals of disruptive defecation.  Check out the sick footage below.


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