New Cannabis Species Discovered, Resistant To Freezing Temps (UPDATE)

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Australian scientist, after years of researching their Blue Mountain region, claim to have discovered a 4th species of Marijuana.  Due to its unique structure, a series of test were needed to confirm that it was even Cannabis.

From The Fish’s Mouth

“When we first received the plant, we were very skeptical about its relation to cannabis,” says researcher Christopher Pool. “It has somewhat similar growth structure but the leaves look nothing like cannabis leaves.”

Apparently the odd leaf structure and the amazing ability to withstand below freezing temperatures has Cannabis culttivators worldwide reeling, ready to spend a much as $2k on a single seed.  Unfortunately, there are no seeds, as this single plant is the only one of its kind.

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Researchers are now offering a $10k reward to anyone with information on the possible locations of any other plants like it.  (maybe they should release a few photos)

Let Us Know What You Think!


This story may have been a HOAX, read High Times findings HERE


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