Ekranoplan “Lun” The Hydra Bomber

Looking like a Red Skull and Arnim Zola creation the Ekranoplan is a ground effect vehicle, used to combat aircraft carriers while travelling at low altitude. It can approach an aircraft carrier within range of its precision missile launch system due to its high speed and invisibility to radars.
“Lun” (translates as “harrier”) has the qualities of a ship and a plane, and carries six P-270 Moskit cruise missiles. These qualities make this machine and its older brother, the Caspian Monster, unique.

It can fly over the ground or over water but unfortunately can’t rise up to the sky like other types of ground effect vehicles. However – it has good amphibious qualities and a top speed of 300 mph.

Keep in mind, this is old Russian Tech.  I can only imagine the level of destruction an updated version of this aircraft would cause.

Hail Hydra?

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